Salam semua,
Maafkah aku masih kekok la rasa nak start menulis balik isi hati ini.tapi akan coba la ya....mesti korang semua nak tahu apa sebenarnya maksud sciatica kan? ok, cerita dia mcm ni.
ni lah kawan2 SKMM dulu2 - miss u guys! |
Dahulu aku seorang jaguh Kampung... |
Start dari situ, dari April 2010 hinggalah bulan August, pegi la jumpa doctor2 - Klinik An-Nur (Bangi), Klinik dekat Shah Alam, n last Klinik Pusrawi dekat Sek.14 PJ...semua doctor2 advise - JANGAN MAIN FUTSAL, MELOMPAT, BERJOGGING buat sementara waktu ni. Sementara waktu tu sampai bila Doc??? aku ni dah la x pandai tak bersukan or keluar peluh..... huhu. so, dari situ aku dah susah malah tak pegi main futsal sampai sekarang...rehat a.k.a gantung but smpai baik.
ok, cari punya cari, ape penyakit aku ni, tibe2 si dia telah memberikan satu penyakit kepada aku. Sciatica. Name mcm best. so, ape lagi.... Google go!! Sebab doctor-doctor lain pun tak tau ape sakit mamat sorang ni.
What is sciatica?
Sciatica is pain in the lower extremity resulting from irritation of the sciatic nerve. The pain of sciatica is typically felt from the low back (lumbar area) to behind the thigh and radiating down below the knee. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and begins from nerve roots in the lumbar spinal cord in the low back and extends through the buttock area to send nerve endings down the lower limb. The pain of sciatica is sometimes referred to as sciatic nerve pain.
What are causes of sciatica?
While sciatica is most commonly a result of a lumbar disc herniation directly pressing on the nerve, any cause of irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve can reproduce the symptoms of sciatica. This irritation of nerves as a result of an abnormal intervertebral disc is referred to as radiculopathy. Aside from a pinched nerve from a disc, other causes of sciatica include irritation of the nerve from adjacent bone, tumors, muscle, internal bleeding, infections, injury, and other causes. Sometimes sciatica can occur because of irritation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy.
Sciatica is often characterized by the following symptoms:
- Pain on one side of the buttock or in one leg that is worse when sitting
- Burning or tingling down the leg
- Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot
- A constant pain on one side of the rear
- A sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand up or to walk
( Ok, sebab aku pernah ambik Biology 2 minggu time dekat RMC, so cukup la info ni ya? yang lain-lain korang baca sendiri ya?)
( terima kasih - )
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nampak tak Sciatic nerve tu?? dekat situlah aku rasa sakit. Bukan spinal, but bawah sikit. |
Ya, di tempat inilah aku sakit. Tepat sekali diagnose untuk sciatica yang aku alami..... |
So, dah cakap dengan Puan Rohani Yahaya a.k.a. mama untuk buat MRI di HBSB do Aloq Setaq since mama kan ramai cable - mama pesara Misi (nurse)...hehe. Nak dijadikan cerita, on the day nk buat MRI tu, adalah cuti ganti rakyat malaysia atas kemenangan Harimau, MRI cancelled...huhu.Next date mama cakap bulan 3 ni... tunggu lagi la nampak gayanya...zzz..zzz.
Kami gembira Harimau Malaya menang - aksi di Stadium Bukit Jalil |
So, memandangkan aku sgt excited finally dapat tahu what is it that bothering my back pain ni, so i dedicated my symptom SCIATICA sebagai nama blog baru aku. so, after this sesiapa rakan-rakan yang ajak main futsal, bukan aku tak nak, but please wait until the doctor cure my sciatic nerve ni dulu ya!
pen off.Happy reading
p/s: tunggu next entry ya - Since dah x boleh futsal, skrng ini ape sukan terbaru aku??? or adakah aku akan GEMUKKK???
gemok gemok gemok!aahahhaah
aku akan pastikan ko gemok
john : sgt kejam..sila follow aku..
duggiee.... huhuhu.
berenang, berenang ...boleh tukar jadik beruang artik ..hehehe
rileks der, ada la hikmah jadik camtu. mgkin mahu suh ko jadik cool n relaks skit utk thn baru ni..
selamat sembuh ya!~
hehehe... ok2, next entry pasal beruang kutub..hehe.
thanks der, eh2, sis...
"tibe2 si DIA telah memberikan satu penyakit kepada aku"
sciatica is definitely a sexy penyakit to have. well, at least bunyinya agak sexy.
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